понедельник, 24 апреля 2017 г.


Early on, back when our moms and grandmothers went to school, and all people didn't know about computers, and even on such a convenient thing as online education. it is now possible for almost every child and every school. Before children have a great opportunity to learn from the comfort of their own rooms, to obtain knowledge at any time, regardless of whether the teacher is sick, no or simply you do not. Online education opens children new opportunities and broaden their horizon. you can also consider online education as assistance for the disabled, who are unable to go to school, and money for Tutors is not enough. Here come to the aid of online education! Children, never learned anything, and almost did not know will learn, discover all that a normal child can discover every day. they will be the same as everyone, smart and educated.
So, I believe that online education is very necessary and useful, but if I had to go to such education, I would have still refused. Because nothing can replace communication with real uchitil, school, classmates. online education was created to help those who cannot be with us at school. 

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